Can I still be a member of SSS under non-working housewife? My husband works abroad, w/o sss.
On How to Register in SSS?
Can I still be a member under Non working housewife (husband working abroad w/o Sss.)?
On How to Register in SSS?
Where did you find the penalties per month?
On SSS, Philhealth and Pag-ibig Payment Deadlines and Penalties
I do think... that they can both avail the discount. as long as it is under the senior citizen's name.…
On How to Compute for Senior Citizen Discount in the Philippines?
If an entity states in their billing that it is VAT registered but no breakdown of Vatable sales & VAT…
On Difference Between VAT and Non-VAT
what if there are 8 guest the selling price is 1400 then they use one senior id ? may i…
On How to Compute for Senior Citizen Discount in the Philippines?
helo can somebody help me in my problem. we did not pay philhealth contribution on time so we are subject…
On SSS, Philhealth and Pag-ibig Payment Deadlines and Penalties
I was trying to buy milk (Ensure) for my mother at Puregold and the cashier told us that for purchases…
On How to Compute for Senior Citizen Discount in the Philippines?
Hello, I have something to ask i am an self-employed..About the payment of my philhealth what if ma delay ako…
On SSS, Philhealth and Pag-ibig Payment Deadlines and Penalties
Hi, We pay professional fees to diff. professionals (individuals) like engineers, architects, designers, technicians, etc. A Service Contract is being…
On Difference Between VAT and Non-VAT